On the morning of Saturday, February 17th, five intrepid neighbors braved morning sleet and chilly breezes to work on removing a patch of English ivy and other invasive, non-native plants from an area next to the trail. Participating were Paul Mackenzie, Rob Green, Kathy Sanford, Jewell Seymour and Bob Seymour. Altogether they removed about 8-9 large bags full of English ivy from the trail and side creek area between Weeping Cherry Forest and Dogwood Forest trailheads. Some bittersweet and poison ivy vines were also removed from the area as well as some of the downed tree trunks.
On Sunday afternoon, three volunteers removed three additional bags of invasive English ivy from next to Arrowhead Trail. Braze Byrant, his son Jonas removed most of the ivy while Bob Seymour cut back debris to make the ivy more accessible.
A big thanks to these amazing volunteers!